Buy / Sell Change of Management for a School
The New CBSE Bye Laws released by the CBSE on 18 October 2018 mentioned the following in Chapter 15, 15.2; let us first try to understand what the law permits and says;
A school affiliated with the board is not allowed to be transferred from without the approval of the board.The approval of transfer will be subject to the following:
- A School may be allowed to be transferred on request from one subject to the conditions that
- there are genuine reasons threatening the very existence of the school; OR
- it has become impossible for the to existing Society / Trust / Company to run the school; OR
- such transfer has been necessitated in the interest of furtherance of cause of education.
- The request of the school will be considered only after prior express approval from the State/UT Government
- Transfer of school from one will be subjected to fulfilment of the conditions laid down in the CBSE byelaws
- CBSE has designated a specific fee in Appendix – 1 which shall be charged from the school in case of transfer of ownership. {For 2019-20, it has been kept at Rs 5 Lacs}.
- Case will be considered only in respect of schools affiliated to the board for at least FIVE years
- The Five year clause can be exempted in case of transfer of large scale industrial, infrastructure and other projects
- The clause 1 and 5 will be exempted in case of Government Schools
This is a very progressive step and something which was a hindrance to the functioning of the schools is now taken care of. Anyway, without the laws also such change of ownership was happening, but now it has taken a legal shape, which is a welcome action.