


Auxilium is a division of multifaceted educational organization. 
Auxilium established in the year 1998 has emerged as a premier organization of repute with wide national acclaim in the field of specialized career guidance.

Auxilium had already become an established brand by then, it was realized that there was a huge gap in the understanding on the know-how for an education institution to be planned and what approach or methodology to resort to in order to establish a successful school venture. In the year 2018, Auxilium was established as a dedicated consultancy firm to create
benchmark schools having the right mix of infrastructure, curriculum, exposure and outcome.


Why are School Consultants required?

The most common question coming to your mind while planning a School project is how to start a CBSE school in India or how to start an international curriculum school in India. The first assistance that is required in a school project is project planning, regulatory pressures, compliances or procedures in obtaining a school licence. The second step is financial planning or gathering general information about the school business in terms of finances or profit & loss model over the first 5-10 years. Finally once the idea moves from thoughts to conceptualisation , the next course of action is to find the right team, advisory services or dedicated team of school consultants to execute the project. The team will not just translate your vision in execution but will execute the project as a turnkey project .

In the present market scenario school consultants are not just a  part of Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, Bhopal and other metro city schools but know we are proud to announce that we are not only doing projects in the range of 75-100 Cr. in metro cities but we are also associated with rural /semi rural projects worth 2-3 Cr. It was this vision to create benchmark schools with benchmark education into reality which has establishes us as an serious school consultancy organisation.